
The student family income below RM4,000 can apply PTPTN loan

The student family income below RM4,000 can apply PTPTN loan

From July 1 last year, the Government of the original family the following net income of RM3, 000 can access, including full tuition and living expenses of qualified higher education fund loans, adjusted net income of 4,000 ringgit to the following family .

"Net family income is between 4,000 to 5,000 ringgit applicants, receive tuition and some living expenses, including the PTPTN loans, net family income below 5,000 ringgit only get tuition loans."

He said that this change will allow more students to benefit, students will apply for accreditation by the Malaysian academic institutions (MQA) accredited program, after being admitted to the Higher Education Fund Board can apply for loans.

